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International Telecommunication Union
International Amateur Radio Union
BAHRAIN - Amateur Radio Association Bahrain
PAKISTAN - Pakistan Amateur Radio Society
Taiwan - Chinese Taipei Amateur Radio League
CHINA - Chinese Radio Sports Association
ANDORRA - Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans
CHILE - Radio Club de Chile
CUBA - Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba
PORTUGAL - Rede dos Emissores Portugueses
URUGUAY - Radio Club Uruguayo
GERMANY - Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
PHILIPPINES - Philippine Amateur Radio Association
SPAIN - Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles
IRELAND - Irish Radio Transmitters Society
MOLDOVA - Asociatia Radioamatorilor din Republica Moldova
ESTONIA - Eesti Raadioamatooride Uhing
TAJIKISTAN - Tajik Amateur Radio League
Kyrgyzstan - Amateur Radio Union of Kyrgyzstan
FRANCE - Union Francaise des Radioamateurs
UNITED KINGDOM - Radio Society of Great Britain
Guernsey - Guernsey Amateur Radio Society
HUNGARY - Magyar Radioamator Szovetseg
SWITZERLAND - Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen-Amateure
LIECHTENSTEIN - Amateurfunk Verein Liechtenstein
ECUADOR - Guayaquil Radio Club
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Radio Club Dominicano
COLOMBIA - Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados
REPUBLIC OF KOREA (SOUTH KOREA) - Korean Amateur Radio League
PANAMA - Liga Panamena de Radioaficionados
HONDURAS - Radio Club de Honduras
THAILAND - Radio Amateur Society of Thailand
ITALY - Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
JAPAN - Japan Amateur Radio League
U.S.A. - American Radio Relay League
NORWAY - Norsk Radio Rele Liga
ARGENTINA - Radio Club Argentino
LUXEMBOURG - Radio Luxembourg
LITHUANIA - Lietuvos Radijo Megeju Draugija
BULGARIA - Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs
PERU - Radio Club Peruano
LEBANON - Association des Radio-Amateurs Libanais
AUSTRIA - Oesterreichischer Versuchssenderverband
FINLAND - Suomen Radioamatooriliitto
CZECH REPUBLIC - Czech Radio Club
SLOVAKIA - Slovak Amateur Radio Association
BELGIUM - Union Royale Belge des Amateurs-Emetteurs
DENMARK - Experimenterende Danske Radioamatoerer
PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Papua New Guinea Amateur Radio Society
ARUBA - Aruba Amateur Radio Club
NETHERLANDS - Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek, in de Nederland
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES - Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek, in de Nederlandse Antillen
BRAZIL - Liga Brasileira de Radioamadores
RUSSIA - Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii
BANGLADESH - Bangladesh Amateur Radio League
SLOVENIA - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije
SWEDEN - Foreningen Sveriges Sandareamatorer
POLAND - Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow
EGYPT - Egypt Amateurs Radio Assembly
GREECE - Radio Amateur Association of Greece
SAN MARINO - Associazione Radioamatori, della Repubblica di San Marino
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Asocijacija Radioamatera Bosne i Hercegovine
TURKEY - Telsiz Radyo Amatorleri Cemiyeti
ICELAND - Islenzkir Radioamatorar
GUATEMALA - Club de Radioaficionados de Guatemala
COSTA RICA - Radio Club de Costa Rica
UKRAINE - Ukrainian Amateur Radio League
CANADA - Radio Amateurs of Canada
AUSTRALIA - Wireless Institute of Australia
ANGUILLA - Anguilla Amateur Radio Society
MONTSERRAT - Montserrat Amateur Radio Society
BERMUDA - Radio Society of Bermuda
HONG KONG - Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society
INDIA - Amateur Radio Society of India
MEXICO - Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores
LATVIA - Latvias Radioamatieru Liga
NICARAGUA - Club de Radio-Experimentadores de Nicaragua
ROMANIA - Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism
VENEZUELA - Radio Club Venezolano
GIBRALTAR - Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society
CAYMAN ISLANDS - Cayman Amateur Radio Society
NEW ZEALAND - New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters
PARAGUAY - Radio Club Paraguayo
SOUTH AFRICA - South African Radio League
MONACO - Association des Radio-Amateurs de Monaco
MAURITIUS - Mauritius Amateur Radio Society
TUNISIA - Association Tunisienne des Radioamateurs
SRI LANKA - Radio Society of Sri Lanka
ISRAEL - Israel Amateur Radio Club
CYPRUS - Cyprus Amateur Radio Society
KENYA - Amateur Radio Society of Kenya
JAMAICA - Jamaica Amateur Radio Association
ALGERIA - Amateurs Radio Algeriens
MALTA - Malta Amateur Radio League
KUWAIT - Kuwait Amateur Radio Society
MALAYSIA - Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society
SINGAPORE - Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO - Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society
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